Collaboration in Outsourced Sales


In outsourced sales, the best deals are always a collaborative effort. Think about it, you’re working with so many working parts and you need to be precise in how you work with your company, the company you’re representing, and the client. The best deals always include a well-developed workflow between all these parties. 

In modern sales, you’re not always dealing with one client or decision maker. Many companies like to talk over new deals with other parties within their company before you can strike a deal. To be successful in outsourced sales, you need to develop a team player mentality. By using the resources at your disposal, you stand a better chance of landing that sale. 


You’ve probably never thought of sales as a collaborative career. Well, it’s grown since the days of the lone salesperson, stalking the streets. A sales team needs resources like warm lead generation, coaching, and a strong sales strategy if they hope to succeed. That’s where a team really comes in handy. 

It’s important to get feedback from your coworkers, stay updated on the latest events of your company, and rely on the information that’s being given to you about the product or service you’re trying to sell. 

On the client side, it’s also important to think of them as another teammate. Your highest chance for success is if the client actually benefits from what you’re selling. It helps to think of your meetings with a prospect as a collaboration; a way in which both parties benefit from a single transaction.

Generosity Goes a Long Way

Sales is no longer a game of poker. Yes, there are certain instances where you want to “play the game” with a client, but being generous with the resources at your disposal can go a long way to building a lasting relationship with new connections. Think about it, if you were the client and you see just another salesperson denying you information, they’re not going to stand out among the competition. You might even create a sense of mistrust right from the start. 

If you connect with the client and find out what they really want, it’s easy to go above and beyond their expectations. If the biggest concern is financial, it’s best to make sure the client knows all the options you can offer. It may cost more, but if they’re also getting more bang for their buck, they can end up saving a ton of money over time. Putting things into perspective like this can really make a difference. 

Your overall goal is to establish a relationship, even if you don’t land the initial sale. Think about what would make an impact with you if the roles were reversed. 

Touching Base Regularly

At times this can seem like a shot in the dark, but it really isn’t. Continually self-reflecting on your relationship with your clients is the best way to figure out what approach to take next. If you feel like contacting a particular prospect too regularly is putting them off, know when to back away. If you think you can land the sale, keep poking away with meetings, phone calls, and emails. Don’t be afraid to express your expectations if you’ve been sourcing a prospect for some time. The worst thing you can do is waste time with a client that is not going to buy.  However, maintaining a simple dialog with a prospect is always a great start to any future long-term business relationship. 


At the end of the day, treat your relationships like a team effort. Whether you’re talking about your fellow salespeople or a prospect, collaboration is the key to becoming more successful in sales.