Increasing Customer Satisfaction in Outsourced Sales

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The reason why so many sales representatives get an immediate no is that they 'don't consider customer satisfaction. What does that mean? Well, 'wouldn't you want your time, space, and opinions treated with respect, especially when someone is trying to sell YOU something? That seems to be the trap many salespeople fall into. You're told that YOU have something unique to offer and therefore are justified in the endeavor to land the sale. You might have the most exceptional product or service on earth, but at the end of the day people are people, and we want to be treated with respect.

When trying to land the sale, this respect, even on a micro (body language) level, can be overlooked. 'That's why Trelevate has put together some advice to help you build a relationship. You may not walk away with the sale, but you will walk away with their respect and 'that's harder to forget than any pitch.

Respect Their Time

There's always more going on than just business. You can't know their kid's soccer schedule, but you can research business hours and find essential events through the company website.

Many salespeople see gatekeepers as some obstacle to overcome. Again, they're just people. If you don't treat the decision-maker with respect, you won't get valuable information.

Simply asking about their schedule shows that you respect their boundaries. Small, genuine gestures can make all the difference in making that vital connection.

Remembering Vital Information about the Prospect

Everyone has a story, and remembering that story can help you connect to your prospect. Take the time to learn about their business before going into that initial meeting. Not only can you learn a little more about their needs, but you have more than just a pitch to talk about when you